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Qinglan Mountain School's first flag-raising activity

Release time: 2017-08-22 Author: Tsinghua High School Hits:

Qinglan Mountain School's first flag-raising activity

On August 21, Qinglan Mountain School held its first flag raising activity in the school flag raising square。

At 10 am, Qinglan Mountain teachers and students dressed in red uniforms gathered in the flag square。In the majestic national anthem, the flag-raising ceremony began。Teachers and students with reverence, watching the five-star red flag rising slowly, fluttering in the wind。This first flag raising is destined to have an unusual significance in the history of Qinglan Mountain School。This is the first greeting from Qinglan Mountain School to the motherland。It tells the motherland: in your passionate land, and the growth of a new seedling of education, in your warm embrace, and a group of teachers and students happily grow together。

Vice President Lin Jingzi spoke

It is also Qinglan Mountain School facing the national flag,A solemn commitment to society: a school of international education,There must be adherence to the roots of one's nation - the growth of children's lives,Need to have the baptism of the world's diverse cultures,It also needs the infiltration of traditional Chinese culture,They need to have an international perspective and understanding,More need to have the motherland identity and national confidence;Modern cross-cultural literacy should be based on the beliefs of the motherland and national culture。

We expect that the students who go out from here will be batches of outstanding Chinese who enter the process of globalization!

Attached: Vice President Lin Jingzi's speech under the National flag:

Hello, everyone!

I am Teacher Lin, and I used to be young like you。The last time I spoke under the flag was more than 20 years ago。But until now, that sense of glory and honor has been real and clear。

Every one of you here today, standing under the flag in the square, has more reason to be proud than I did。You are the first students of Qinglan Mountain - you are the students who entered the "legendary school",And you will eventually become a group of students who create "legends"!You get into this school,It means you have a kind of mission,Later Qinglan Mountain students will look at your back,Follow in your footsteps!

Just now I said more than 20 years, maybe this time is still far away for you, but from the first day you stepped into the school, the teachers are making plans for your life in 20 years。We do not know what career you will be engaged in in the future, but we hope that you will go out from the school and leave a bright brand of Qinglan Mountain students。You should be good communicators and collaborators, strong and independent people, responsible and responsible global citizens, and innovative talents with an international perspective。With this quality, what you do in the future will be the best in the industry。However, this does not happen naturally, it requires you to remember your mission and discipline your actions every day。We want every child who studies and lives here to feel free, but true freedom must come from the respect and observance of the rules in everyone's heart。The school creates an environment of love and equality for all, and we expect you to treat others with the same love and respect。I believe that every student in Qinglan Mountain understands right from wrong, knows right from wrong, can distinguish, can think, can make themselves happy, but also can bring happiness to others。

Here, we propose the following requirements:

Friendliness and respect。If you want a friend, be one. If you want friendship, first act like a friend。Don't say or do anything you don't like or want others to say or do to you;If you like people to smile at you, please smile at others first。Do any of you think it's okay to call people names, make fun of people, jump in line, and fight?It's a sign of kindness?If not, please don't do it。

study hard。Our school provides you with so many interesting courses, is to let you find their real interests and strengths, let you walk small, to trot, and then find their own sky to fly。So please don't stop learning。Sometimes learning will be tired and bored, but every point of persistence is growth。So, at Qinglan Mountain, we need you to take every class seriously, every assignment, have your own thoughts and insights every day, read and write every day。Within a month, you'll be surprised at how much progress you've made。Don't do your homework?Copy your homework?You can't talk in class without listening?No, please don't do that。

Stay safe and healthy。The body should be relaxed and the mood should be cheerful。Avoid all dangerous places, do not do dangerous things, and stay away from actions that may harm yourself or others。Smoking and drinking are okay?May not。Pushing and shoving on the stairs is okay?Play with fire and video?不行。Playing with dangerous guns and sticks, or pointing sharp objects at yourself or someone else?不行。Running in the hallway in the classroom is also dangerous。These are examples to remind people to think about the danger before doing anything。To ensure safety, it is a kind of respect and care for themselves, their parents, and their loved ones。

Finally, be responsible and responsible。To do things by oneself is to share family responsibilities, to play one's own role in the class team, not to shirk responsibilities, and to be willing to share, which is the necessary preparation for the socialization of students。Even if you make a mistake, you can bear the consequences and correct it in time。In the constant attempt to revise themselves, only dare to take responsibility can make themselves a decisive decision maker。Only know how to choose to create their own future。

Students, please remember that all the pressure from the outside in can not last, we expect you to have the growth momentum from the inside out。We wait for you to grow up slowly, gradually show the unique style of Qinglan Mountain students, and achieve a better life!

Text: Lin Jingzi

Photography is by Wang Tao

Audit: Xin Ying

Edit: Administrative Management Center

时间:2017-08-22 09:14

Author: Tsinghua High School

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